Vitamin C is a very important micronutrient essential for maintaining bone, teeth, cartilage health. Persistent vitamin C deficiency is the major cause of scurvy among the human population. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and it is not produced by the body. The inability of internal production forces us to rely on external sources of vitamin C (1, 2).
What is Vitamin C Deficiency?
Vitamin C deficiency is a health condition caused by prolonged deprivation of Vitamin C. It may be caused by inadequate intake of a Vitamin C-rich diet and malabsorption due to preexisting health conditions like gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, smoking, and alcoholism (3).
Functions of Vitamin C
Vitamin C water-soluble micronutrient which is present in many food items This hormone is essential for facilitating the wound healing process and plays a vital role in the absorption of iron in the body. Through the past, it has also been used as an antioxidant and immunity booster.
Causes of Vitamin C Deficiency
The condition of Vitamin C deficiency can be developed due to various factors. Some of the major cause has been illustrated below:
- Inadequate Diet: The most common cause of Vitamin C deficiency across the globe is our diet. We often consume foods that are poor in essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C. Especially for poor people who can’t afford vegetables and fruits.
- Iron Availability: Excess iron content in the body leads to excessive flushing of vitamin C through the kidney and causes vitamin C deficiency. However, ascorbic acid deficiency causes malabsorption of iron in the system.
- Alcoholism: Excessive and prolonged alcoholism leads to vitamin C deficiency as it is a water-soluble nutrient. It leads to disruptive absorption and excessive excretion of ascorbic acid from the body.
- GI Disorders: Vitamin C deficiency disorders can also be caused by malabsorption. The inadequate absorption of Vitamin C can occur due to the presence of preexisting health conditions like gastrointestinal disorders.
Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency
The common symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency include (1, 3):
- Lassitude
- Weakness
- Irritability
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Gingivitis
- Petechiae
- Rash
- Internal bleeding
- Impaired wound
- Corneal erosion & ulceration
- Impaired bone growth
Health Risks due to Vitamin C Deficiency
- Scurvy: It is the most uncommon disorder caused by persistent deficiency of vitamin C. The common symptoms of scurvy are swollen, purple, spongy gums, and bleeding in extreme deficiency.
- Impaired Bone Growth: Vitamin C is responsible for maintaining healthy bone and connective tissues. Extreme deficiency can cause impaired bone growth in children. Early changes resemble atrophy however, it should be treated differently than arthritis.
- Impaired Immunity: Prolonged deficiency of vitamin C leads to impaired immunity. It hampers the wound healing process and causes frequent infections
Tests for Vitamin C Deficiency
There are several tests available for the diagnosis of Vitamin C deficiency in our body out of which blood test is the most widely used method of diagnosis. In general, we don’t need to do any preparations for the test but in case you are on Vitamin C supplements you need to stop before the test.
- Serum Test: Serum tests measure the concentration of vitamin C in our bloodstream. This is the quickest and most accurate test for the identification of retinol deficiency. Levels of < 0.6 mg/dL (< 34 mcmol/L) are considered marginal; levels of < 0.2 mg/dL (< 11 mcmol/L) indicate vitamin C deficiency
- Imaging Techniques: The scurvy in children can be identified using skeletal-x-ray. It helps in the diagnosis of impaired bone development in children. Changes are very evident especially in the extremities of bone for example bone growth at the knee.
Remedies of Vitamin C Deficiency
- Vitamin C Supplements: If you are diagnosed with severe Vitamin C deficiency, you should consider medical supplements under the supervision of doctors. As higher Vitamin C may lead to deadly health conditions.
- Vitamin C Rich Diet: Vitamin C-rich food items will help in minimizing Vitamin C deficiency. Some of the Vitamin C-rich food items are like include citrus fruits, bell peppers, brussels sprouts, spinach, cabbage, tomato juice, broccoli.
- Fortified Food Items: Several agricultural lands across the globe are poor in micronutrients which will serve nutrient-deficient food produces. Fortified seeds will help in providing nutrient-rich agricultural produce.
Prevention of Vitamin C Deficiency
It is often said that “Prevention is better than Cure” and indeed this is very much true about micronutrient deficiencies. Vitamin C deficiency can be prevented through the consumption of a Vitamin C-rich diet.
Food items rich in Vitamin C:
- Citrus fruits
- Bell peppers
- Brussels sprouts
- Spinach
- Cabbage
- Tomato juice
- Broccoli
Ideally, we should consume an adequate quantity of fruits and vegetables which are the major source of vitamin C in our diet.
Adequate Intake (>19 yrs.):
A simple way to prevent Vitamin C deficiencies is to maintain recommended daily intakes. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for an adult is 75-90 mg. However, it may be higher in case of fever, inflammation, diarrhoea, smoking, hyperthyroidism, iron deficiency, cold or heat stress, surgery, burns, and protein deficiency (1).
Vitamin C is a very important water-soluble vitamin essential for the maintenance of healthy bone, teeth, connective tissues, absorption of iron in the body, and immunity-boosting. It prevents scurvy in adults and impaired bone development in children.
Although Vitamin C deficiency has several ill effects, it can be treated with the right consultation and medical supplements as prescribed by medical experts. The best possible way to avoid these complications by consuming an adequate amount of Vitamin C as per RDA through various Vitamin C-rich diets.