There are several places where people exposed to asbestos and were diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cases seek help and compensation, such as the Mesothelioma Cancer Network. The problems started about three decades ago where the asbestos processing companies were fully aware of the health implication the asbestos had but did not disclose to their workers since the business was very profitable at the time.
When people started developing complications, they filed for bankruptcy to protect themselves against legal actions filed by thousands of victims who started developing asbestos-related complications. The court ordered the companies to set up an asbestos trust fund to compensate the victims of asbestos and related products. These trust funds allow the victims of mesothelioma to seek compensation without suing the asbestos companies. These companies have set aside approximately thirty billion dollars for compensation. The average settlement pay-out is one million dollars to one and a half a million dollars.
Why you need an excellent legal representation
The best settlement must get an excellent lawyer to represent and present your claims. A good representation will protect you from getting a raw deal. Several law firms help victims get compensation. Other reasons why you should get a good lawyer include;
They will take care of all the legal processes and give the victims ample time to focus on their health and have more time with family and friends
Since taking legal action may be limited, having a lawyer will help the victims get their claims before time runs out.
A good law firm will put all the necessary resources such as medical experts and legal team to work on your case and ensure you are fully compensated.
A lawyer will gather all the evidence to build the case and see it through up to settlement. Most lawyers who deal with such cases have also worked on similar issues before, and hence they are well knowledgeable and know what a victim deserves as compensation. With information from previous victims, they can present a strong case, raising the probabilities of winning.
Most lawyers who deal with mesothelioma cases are not in it for the money. They have a passion and are dedicated to the victims of this type of cancer. Some may offer free consultation services to the victims. The law firm should have offices in every state to serve the victims without limitation or regardless of the state they live.
There is nothing sure about a trial; hence it is essential to know when to settle. There is no guarantee that a jury bench will side with the victims. Sometimes the amount being offered as the settlement may be less than what the victims anticipate, but there is also no guarantee that you will win a trial; thus, having a good lawyer will give you the odds of winning and help you decide whether to settle or proceed to trial. The claim can also be filed by a person who lost their loved one to mesothelioma.